Blog 1: How Homeopathy Helps To Treat Cold?
Cold is one of the most common diseases in the world. It is a communicable disease, mainly occurring during seasonal change, even though it is not chronic in nature. And homeopathy has the most effective medicines which treat common cold without the side effects. Read on to know which are those- Natrum mur: This medicine is effective for a runny nose, with initially clear snot thickening after a period of 24-48 hours. Gelsemium: Gelsemium is advisable for the known symptoms of common cold such as headache, fever, fatigue, drowsiness, shivers, etc. Eupatorium perf: This medicine is effective in case of recurring thirst, sore muscles and bones, and immense headache that get worse on any kind of movement. Arsenicum iod: If you are experiencing continuous sneezing with burning sensation and a nasal discharge, this is the medicine you should take. Aconite: This homeopathic medicine is recommended when the most preliminary signs of common cold appear, such as getting thirsty frequently and being overly-anxious. Belladonna: Belladonna is for more severe signs of cold, such as high fever and persistence of a throbbing headache. Ferrum phos: This medicine is also given at the preliminary stage, when the onset is slow, with mild fever, which gets worse especially with the approach of night. Pulsatilla: When you have a nose with dense discharge and blocked ears, remember that these symptoms may worsen at night. This is the medicine best suited to your cold in such a situation. Nux vomica: Nux vomica is effective for constant sensation of chill, with warmth not felt even in the comfort of the bed. It is also effective for headaches, blocked nose, body-aches, and nausea as results of the cold.
- April 3, 2024
- 11:55 am

Blog 2: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADHD or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder refers to those psychological disorders, which significantly alter a child's behavior and considerably affects his or her relationships with others. This condition is seldom preceded by perceptible symptoms and even when they do, they are difficult to decipher. However some of them are: Self-centered: Those children who suffer from the attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome tend to be encapsulated in their own subjectivity. Though this does seem harmless apparently, this tendency may lead them to be insensitive to other's needs and wants. Emotional outbursts: ADHD makes children extremely susceptible to frequent emotional outbursts and makes them erratic. Difficulty in concentration: Children who suffer from ADHD face extreme difficulty in concentrating or focusing on things. Many a times they fail to repeat what was told to them. There might be several causes which can contribute to the development of this disorder. Some of them are: A drastic change in the child's lives: A sudden or a drastic change like the divorce of parents may severely affect the child and maim him emotionally. This may lead to the development of this disorder. Depression: Though always associated with adults, depression can be and is common among children as well. In such instances, a consequent development of ADHD is highly plausible. Bipolar disorder: Bipolar disorder refers to excessive and incomprehensible mood swings. Many children suffer from it in their early lives, making them susceptible to ADHD. Notwithstanding the ambiguity and the erratic nature of the disorder, there might be preventive measures which parents might adopt to deter the outbreak of the disorder. Some of them are: Less use of preservatives: Parents must be careful about what their children eat. Those foods which contain a certain amount of preservatives tend to aggravate the disorder thereby causing more harm than good. Consider alternative forms of medications: Another way of dealing with this problem is by exploring other forms of medications and not sticking to one form. In this respect, practicing yoga may be very beneficial.
- April 3, 2024
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Blog 3: How Homeopathy Helps Manage Nasal Polyps?
A nasal polyp is a growth within the nasal cavity, which may cause problems with your health. Smaller polyps don't tend to create any problem, but larger ones can cause breathing difficulty, sneezing problems, losing the sense of smell and a dampening of taste as well. Conventional medicine usually prescribes surgery, but homeopathy has effective cures to reduce the polyp and lessen the symptoms over time. Cures for nasal polyps in Homeopathy: 1. Phosphorus: This medication is especially effective if you have nasal polyps that bleed. This is effective with people who have a tall and slender build and tend to develop a thirst for cold water as the polyp grows within them. The polyps may bleed regularly and also block the nostrils in such a way that they get a circular motion when breathing. 2. Lemna Minor: This medicine is very effective when there is an intense level of nasal blockage and you are experiencing anosmia or a loss of the sense of smell. These kind of nasal polyps tend to worsen during the wet season and can even cause a thick white discharge from the nose which has a foul smell. 3. Calcarea Carbonica: Useful in the cases of people who are overweight, some homeopathic doctors tend to prescribe this medication in cases where a person may be quickly affected by seasonal changes, such as hot to cold or cold to hot weather. Other symptoms where this medication is applicable are: Frequent sneezing Profuse sweating during the night Sore nose Small amounts of white discharge Nostrils are mostly dry 4. Conium Maculatum: This medication is very effective if you have a dry nose, which seems to get sudden discharges irregularly. Instead of a loss of smell, you may develop a more acute sense of smell. If the patient is suffering from frequent sneezes and complains of nasal blocks in the morning, conium can be an effective remedy 5. Sanguinaria Canadensis: This medicine is know be a great remedy primarily for polyps, which are right sided or occur within the right nostril of the nose. Some of the symptoms where Sanguinaria Canadensis is very effective are: Profuse amounts of nasal discharge Frequent sneezing Swollen nasal membrane Right sided headache along with right sided blockage of nostrils.
- April 3, 2024
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Blog 4: Fatty Liver - Top Homeopathic Remedies For It!
A number of health problems today are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. One such condition is a fatty liver or collection of fat in the liver. The buildup of fats in the liver is known as Fatty Liver. The liver processes everything that you eat or drink and filters harmful substances from the blood. If too much fat has accumulated in the liver, this process gets interfered with. These fat cells cause inflammation of the liver tissues which in time can lead to scarring and liver fibrosis. On its own, a fatty liver is relatively harmless, but when it reaches this stage, it can be life threatening. The reasons for Fatty Liver can be alcoholism, incorrect diet, obesity, diabetes, or even excess use of medication. If ignored or left untreated, many liver diseases will lead to permanent and irreversible damage to the liver and can be a significant threat to your health. But, there is no standard form of treatment for a fatty liver. If diagnosed in its early stages, treating the underlying cause can stop the progression of the disease and even resolve it. Homeopathy addresses the underlying causes of a disease and hence is an ideal form of treatment for a fatty liver. It can reduce the symptoms of this disease, improve liver functioning and even reverse the condition if treatment is started early. The Homeopathic medicines, which are made of natural substances, are given to patients after studying the unique symptoms experienced by each individual. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. Homoeopathy is very proficient in managing all the symptoms of Fatty liver disease and furthermore plays a vital role in preventing relapse of the condition. Some of the most common homeopathic medicines for fatty liver are: Chelidonium: This is often used to treat a fatty liver accompanied by right upper abdominal pain. In such cases, the liver may be enlarged and the patient also usually suffers from constipation or experience nausea and vomiting. The patient will also probably suffer from excessive weakness and have a desire for hot food and drinks. Lycopodium: A fatty liver accompanied by acidity can be treated with this type of homeopathic medication. In such cases, the patient will also complain of bloating and belching with a burning sensation. These symptoms tend to worsen n the evening and the patient may have an intense craving for sweets and hot drinks. Phosphorus: This is used to treat cases of fatty acid which triggers regurgitation accompanied by sour belching. In some cases, the patient may also experience pain in the liver and excessive flatulence. Vomiting may also occur along with weakness while passing stool. Calcarea carb: Obese patients suffering from this condition can be treated with calcarea carb. These people often have a distended abdomen, are lactose intolerant and suffer from chronic constipation. They are also overly sensitive to cold air and sweat excessively from the head. Nux vomica: Homeopathic remedy for fatty liver with pain in abdomen after eating. Nux vomica is great for any abdominal problem including fatty liver caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. These patients often suffer from abdominal pain a few hours after eating with sour or bitter tasting belches. They may constantly feel the urge to pass stool but are unable to do so.
- April 3, 2024
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Blog 5: How Homeopathy Helps Manage Acne?
In case of acne, homeopathic treatment controls the secretion of oil from the skin, removes acne related scars and eliminates underlying conditions such as hormonal imbalance that causes acne. Various Homeopathic remedies to treat acne are- Calcaria sulphuricum: This treatment is recommended for people who regularly have large pimples filled with pus. The person tends to be easily affected by heat. Dulcamara: It is used in treating acne as well as scars left by acne. It is usually recommended for acne that occurs due to climate changes. Sanguinaria: It is a very effective remedy for treating acne in women who have problems in their periods. It is also used in acne treatment in women who suffer from sexual problems. Silica: This treatment enhances the immune system of the body so that acne formation in the body is reduced. This is a common treatment for people who have recurrent bouts of acne. Natrum muriaticum: This treatment is made from common salt and is used to treat acne that results from menstrual irregularities and other hormonal disturbances. It is also used for treating oily skin and other rashes which result from it. Arctium lappa: It is a Homeopathic remedy for treating symptoms of acne and its scars.
- April 3, 2024
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Blog 6: Heat Headache - 8 Homeopathic Remedies For It!
Extreme and sudden changes in temperature as well as exposure to such conditions can harm the body and lead us to fall sick. One such condition caused by extreme temperatures is the heat headache, which is a result of prolonged heat exposure. When there is excessive heat, the body can end up reacting with heat strokes, dehydration, and headaches, among many other conditions. Thankfully, a holistic approach like homeopathic medicine for headache due to heat for such kind of problem. Sun Stroke or Heat Headache Homeopathic Medicine Aconite: This homeopathic medicine is most helpful when there has been direct exposure of the head to the heat. When there is direct exposure to the rays of the sun, the head may end up developing debilitating headaches, which can be treated with this medicine. Carbo Veg: Along with heat headaches in summer, the patients who will require this homeopathic medicine Carbo veg will also have symptoms like flatulence and pain in the upper abdomen area. Also, the patient will have a constant need for air conditioning and a cool breeze. Glonine: This Homeopathic Remedies for summer heat is usually helpful when the patient has gone through a sun stroke. High temperature is one of the symptoms of this condition along with persistent heat headaches. Drowsiness will also be experienced by patients in such cases. This homeopathic medicine mainly treats congestive headaches that have been caused due to a sunstroke. Homeopathic medicine Natrum Carb for headache due to gas: This medicine is used for treating the symptoms of sunstrokes that result in intense headaches caused due to exposure to extreme heat. Also, it is good medicine to use when there are exhaustion and exposure to other chemicals like gaslight. Bryonia: When the patient is dehydrated and demands water constantly along with the heat headaches, one can use this medicine. The patient will require plenty of water and rest along with this homeopathic medicine. Belladona: This homeopathic medicine can be prescribed for patients who are experiencing shooting pains on the intense and violent side in the head. These kinds of headaches also cause symptoms like cold feet and bloodshot eyes. Belladonna can be used to soothe these symptoms. Antimonium Crud for Heat Headache: The symptoms that this homeopathic medicine can cure include abdomen pain, indigestion, aches, and pains in the head – all of which are caused due to a sunstroke and heat headaches. When heat headaches have been caused due to hot drinks and a hot bath, this homeopathic medicine can be used for the treatment of the heat headache. Lachesis: This homeopathic medicine can be used for treating heat headaches that are accompanied by symptoms like faint headedness, dizzy spells as well as the inability to sleep. These symptoms are usually caused by sunstroke.
- April 3, 2024
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Blog 7: How Homeopathy Medicines Helps In Eye Problems?
While most of us complain of eye problems as pain or redness or itching or excessive tearing, there is more to it than what meets the eye! As with all diseases, the homeopath will try to unravel the problem in its deeper form. Homeopathic Treatment for Eye Diseases & Disorders Eye conditions like cataract and glaucoma need to be surgically corrected; however, others can be managed via homeopathic medicines effectively. The following are the top five homeopathic medicine for eye vision problems described along with the symptoms in which they are used- Mercurius -Thickened, red eyelids that are worse at night Profuse, offensive-smelling discharge that causes burning Boils around the eyes with pus formation Floaters in the eyes Worsens with warmth and damp weather Syphilitic eye infections Belladonna: Ophthalmic conditions with severe inflammation, dryness, Injected eyes with iritis or retinitis Fear of light (photophobia) Eyes affected due to excessive light or poor light Retinal hemorrhage conditions Sudden, acute onset of these symptoms Great intolerance to light Euphrasia and Allium Cepa: This homeoapthic medicine combination used for vision problems and used in similar situations but with contradicting symptoms. The person has symptoms similar to hay fever or cold. While homeopathic medicine euphrasia is used where there is a bland nasal discharge and burning tears, allium is used when there is a strong burning sensation with nasal discharge. Some doctors even try one, and if it is not effective, they prescribe the other one. Other conditions where Euphrasia and Allium cepa are used include: Watery eyes that blink frequently Acute catarrhal conjunctivitis Bland and watery coryza Burning of the eyes with corrosion of the margins An opaque, blistering cornea with thick discharge Eye swelling improves when in the open air, worsens in the evening and with light Arsenic- Sharp eye pain caused by daylight Closing eyes produces pain in the eyes Running of letters when trying to read Affected tear ducts Cataracts in the office go Worsened during the new moon and cold weather, improved with warmth.
- April 3, 2024
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Blog 8: Homeopathy For Hair Loss!
Hair can be one’s best feature or worst nightmare! Hair is something that one notices first about a person, and it’s up to us to maintain it. But as we age, we encounter various types of hair problems and hair loss can be extremely embarrassing if not checked in time. Hair loss is referred to thinning of hair and the medical term for this is alopecia. It can happen to both men and women due to a number of reasons: Genetic Stress Nutritional deficiencies Obesity Hormonal changes Diabetes and high blood pressure Pregnancy Physical trauma to the head Exposure to pollution Skin infections on scalp Side effects of some drugs Men can experience hair loss beginning at the temples and the crown while in womenit usually occurs at the frontal and parietal region of scalp. If alopecia is not treated in time, it can lead to permanent hair loss or baldness, not to mention low self-esteem and reclusive behaviour. If conventional ways haven’t worked for you, it’s time you considered homeopathy as an alternative. Depending upon what your cause of hair loss is, you can consult a homeopathy doctor who will prescribe the medicines accordingly. There are several treatments designed to slow down hair loss, stimulate the skin of the scalp and promote new hair growth. Why homeopathy? The best reason for trying homeopathic treatments is that there is no fear of side effects. Also, homeopathy may work slowly, but it does achieve the desired results in time. It is a safe and effective way to get rid of hair loss problems and can be administered easily to children as well. Besides medication, one should also try and improve their lifestyle and eat a balanced diet. You must try and include foods that contain the Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, iron, Vit B and plenty of protein, as these will go a long way in keeping your hair strong and healthy.
- April 3, 2024
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Blog 9: Addiction - Ways To Recovery!
Management of addiction cases can occur in a variety of settings, taking many different forms and last for different lengths of time. Since it is typically a chronic disorder characterized by occasional relapses, short-term, one-time treatment is usually not sufficient. For many, treatment is a long term process that involves multiple interventions and regular monitoring. A successful management of addiction includes: - Counselling - Medications - Rehabilitation The concerned family must ensure long term follow-up to prevent relapse. Homoeopathy is also known to effectively treat the addiction cases. Homeopathy can be helpful in the quick processing of the unresolved feelings and helping the individual feel stronger emotionally. It is a natural healing system that helps restore the balance and harmony in an individual, offering long-term improvement of both physical and emotional health. Treatment can also help boost the immune system, increase one’s energy and improve the person’s outlook on life. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed for the whole person, not just isolated symptoms or disease. Due to withdrawal from the substance causing violent symptoms like exaggerated fears, fever with deliriums etc.., ACONITE – palpitations and fear ANT TART – heroin withdrawal with gastric and respiratory complaints ARS ALB – marijuana addiction, anxious and nervous temperament BELLADONNA – hallucinogen withdrawal, violent symptoms HYOSCYAMUS – insomnia with violent behavior IPECAC – delirium with nausea, vomiting and stomach ache STAPH – alcohol withdrawal with headache ARS ALB and GAMBOGIA – with diarrhoea BERBERIS VULGARIS – associated with dehydration and low back pain KALI ARS – with skin complaints QUERCUS SPRITUS mother tincture – robust alcoholics STERCULIA ACUMINATA mother tincture – fatigued alcoholics Constitution of the patient LACHESIS, CANNABIS INDICA/SATIVA, OPUM, CROCUS, MOSCHUS, NUX VOMICA, SULPHUR etc. Other examples Syphilinum and Sulphur - alcoholism Belladonna - following the use of narcotics (delirium) Avena Sativa - weaning off morphine or heroin Plantago and Tabacum - nicotine/tobacco Systematic follow-up must be done to ensure the progress of the treatment. Addiction treatment must help the person to stop using drugs, stay drug-free and be productive in every sphere.
- April 3, 2024
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Blog 10: Daily 7 Healthy Habits to Transform Your Life!
1. Start Your Day with Hydration:
Hydrating your body first thing in the morning kickstarts your metabolism, aids digestion, and helps flush out toxins accumulated overnight. Make it a habit to drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up to replenish your body's hydration levels and set a positive tone for the day ahead.
2. Prioritize Nutrient-Rich Meals:
Fuel your body with nutritious foods that provide sustained energy and support overall health. Aim to incorporate a balance of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats into your meals. Planning and preparing meals ahead of time can help you make healthier choices and avoid the temptation of fast food or processed snacks.
3. Move Your Body Regularly:
Physical activity is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight, strengthening muscles and bones, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Find activities that you enjoy, whether it's going for a brisk walk, practicing yoga, or engaging in a favorite sport. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week to reap the benefits of an active lifestyle.
4. Practice Mindful Eating:
Slow down and savor each bite by practicing mindful eating. Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues, chew your food thoroughly, and engage your senses to fully appreciate the flavors and textures of your meals. Mindful eating can help prevent overeating, promote better digestion, and foster a healthier relationship with food.
5. Incorporate Stress-Relief Techniques:
Chronic stress can take a toll on both your physical and mental health. Incorporate stress-relief techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or spending time in nature to help manage stress levels and promote relaxation. Making time for self-care is essential for maintaining balance and resilience in the face of life's challenges.
6. Sufficient Sleep:
Quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to allow your body and mind to rest, repair, and recharge. Create a relaxing bedtime routine, limit screen time before bed, and create a comfortable sleep environment to optimize your sleep quality.
7. Practice Gratitude and Positivity:
Cultivate a positive mindset by practicing gratitude and focusing on the good in your life. Take a few moments each day to reflect on the things you're thankful for and acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small. Positive thinking can improve your mood, reduce stress, and enhance your overall outlook on life.
- April 3, 2024
- 11:55 am
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